Are You On A Quest To Lose Weight Overnight? And You Are Thinking Of How To Lose Belly Fat Overnight?These 9 Simple Steps Will Help You Achieve Your Goal!
How To Lose Weight In One Night
Our weight is such a touchy subject to begin with. If a special event is on the cards, looking fabulous is a top priority; unless, of course, the flab is preventing it.
Undeterred in our goals to look the best, we look for the quickest ways to lose weight. We have just the solution for you – lose weight overnight in 9 easy steps. Excited? Have a read.
Weight On, Weight Off:
Millions of people across the world are sweating buckets to show off a toned body. So, how can anyone come up with the idea of losing weight overnight? Well, these people in question are right on both accounts.
It is possible to lose about 2 pounds overnight, depending on the person. Shocked? Don’t be. The principle involved here is that our weight fluctuates from one day to the other, primarily because of water retention.
Those are the days when certain clothes refuse to fit either. This means water retention and bloating have weighed me down.
Ever felt the same? We are sure you did. Bloating and swelling especially happen after having sugary foods and drinks. The excess calories burden our body into storing fat while retaining water. This adds weight.
~ If you've always wondered how to get rid of bloating and make that dream scenario a reality, it's totally possible—if you use your evening hours strategically. Next time you’re feeling like a puffer fish and want to stop belly bloat fast, devote some time to the evening rituals below. They all blast away uncomfortable belly bloat and gas and help you stay on track toward weight loss success.
How To Lose Weight Overnight? OR- How To Lose Weight In One Night?
To lose weight overnight and show off a great looking body, you need to target this water weight. It is, however, important to remember that this loss is temporary. You can sustain the lost weight with further lifestyle changes.
1. Sweat Out Some Calories:
First, let’s lose that water weight. You have a day until tomorrow. We begin the day with some fun cardio, knowing you will burn a few precious calories. Whether you like aerobics, rope skipping, running, or a fat blasting Beyonce dancing routine, scorch it up. Do sweat copiously while you’re at it.
2. Have Lemon Water
When people retain fluid, they tend to skimp on water because they think it will make their bloating worse. Since water retention is the body's way of holding onto fluid so it doesn’t dehydrate, the opposite is true. Drinking lots of water (and skipping dehydrating booze) signals the body that it no longer needs to hold onto every last drop to stay hydrated. And since lemons are a natural diuretic, adding them to your glass will speed up the process. (Not a lemon fan? Whip up a glass of detox water instead.) Just make sure you drink from a glass and not through a straw. Sipping through a straw can cause you to take in extra air and experience a different but equally uncomfortable type of bloating.
3. Take Salty Bath:
Just like in a sea. Salt water helps with water retention. It draws out that bloated feeling instantaneously, giving you a slimmer look. Amazingly, it makes you feel good too.
Deal with water weight anytime it strikes with 2 cups of Epsom salt in your bath water. A 15-minute soak is your ticket to weight loss.
4. Coffee:
Coffee would always be there for you. On this particular day, you would need it for its diuretic properties. Drink up your caffeine and you can rush to the toilet to lose more of your water weight.
5. No Carbs For The Day:
Keep your goal in mind and hide all carbs in a 2-mile radius around you. Not even your dog should be able to find those fattening culprits. This means only fruits, but only those with high water content such as watermelons or fruit juices. Lack of sugars combined with excess water flushes the weight right off your body.
6. The Occasion Calls For A Water Diet:
Lack of water can hold more fluid in your body, making you look and feel fat. Say no to bloated water weight with – you guessed it right – more water. Drink nothing but water through the day to get rid of all types of toxins from your body.
A water diet is actually an effective and proven method to lose weight quickly. Water also keeps you full enough to prevent sugar food cravings.
7. Unwind With A Green Tea:
It’s almost 4 pm, and you can now unwind over a cup of green tea. It will help you detox and reduces bloating. Overall, green tea has a very relaxing and uplifting effect on your system.
8. It’s Sunset! No More Eating:
Here comes one of the most interesting overnight weight loss tricks. After 6 pm, you’re not eating anything. Not that you ate much during the day. Even if you cheat, there is absolutely no eating after the sun has set. The body struggles to digest food at night, whereas calories are burned faster in the day.
You will weigh lesser in the morning when you sleep on an empty stomach. Well, there is no undigested food to weigh you down.
9. Sleep Time
And now, sleep it off. Wake up the next morning and find yourself slimmer and lighter than ever. A good night’s sleep really does wonder to balance your hunger pangs, helping you lose weight.
There you go; you’ve lost 2 pounds overnight.