Green Tea Side Effects
Green tea is used all over the world. These days its importance has grown even more because of its weight lose properties. But while using green tea we should always keep in mind that everything has a limit to use and excess of everything is bad.
What is Green Tea?
Green tea is made from the steamed and dried leaves of the Camellia sinesis plant, a shrub native to Asia. Black tea is made from this same plant, but from leaves that have been fermented. This fermentation may be why the levels of some healthy compounds, such as antioxidants, in the tea are reduced.
Green tea contains greater amounts of chemicals known as polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties. The major groups of polyphenols that are present green tea are called catechins. Green tea has been used as in traditional herbal medicine for centuries, for numerous ailments, including stomach problems, vomiting and diarrhea.
Green Tea Benefits – A Brief
In a way, this could be the healthiest beverage on the planet. And all those claims about green tea that have been catching your eyes (and ears) all these years, well, they are true.
The tea has been found to improve brain function and prevent age-related memory issues. It also helps prevent cancer and is an active ingredient that goes into most weight loss diets.
Antioxidants, if you ask me. That is what this thing is made of.
Additional benefits include improved dental health and enhanced immunity. Also help treat diabetes.
How Does Green Tea Work?
Research can’t fully explain it. Polyphenols might be able to prevent inflammation and swelling, helping to protect cartilage between the bones and lessen joint discomfort.
Green tea also contains 2 to 4 percent caffeine, less than coffee, but enough to boost thinking and alertness. That’s what I love about tea. That jolt is addictive! Caffeine also stimulates the nervous system, heart and muscles by boosting the release of chemicals in the brain called “neurotransmitters.” So it does a lot of good.
How Can Green Tea Be Bad For You?
Firstly, it’s about caffeine. Green tea is, you know, tea. And like any tea, it contains caffeine. That’s something we must accept first. Excessive caffeine intake has been linked to nervousness, shakiness, and anxiety. And people who are intolerant to caffeine suffer further – they experience the symptoms even with little amounts of caffeine.
Also, green tea can hurt your body’s ability to absorb iron. Now, that’s a problem. A deficiency of iron can bestow upon you a whole set of serious problems. You don’t want that. Green tea also interacts with certain medications, and the repercussions are painfully unpleasant.
One study conducted sometime in the previous decade suggested that the link between green tea and cancer prevention was weak and contradictory. So is the case with dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Another study found a pretty weak link between green tea intake and reduced cholesterol levels.
Drinking green tea in excess can result in caffeine overload, which subsequently causes insomnia, upset stomach, tremors, restlessness, etcetera. Of course, this is more prominent in people who tend to consume it in excess all of a sudden. In other words, if you are sensitive to caffeine, you are more susceptible to the side effects. As per studies, up to 400 mg of caffeine in a day is safe for most adults. Which is roughly the amount in 4 cups of brewed coffee or 10 cans of Cola or energy drinks.
Or 10 to 12 cups of green tea.
Now, let’s discuss the side effects of green tea in detail. But before we proceed, there is one thing we want to make very clear – there are no cases of green tea causing issues when consumed in moderation. And, the quality matters too.
Hence, if someone has side effects with green tea, it is either because they consumed it in excess, or had a low-quality tea, or are caffeine sensitive.

What Are The Side Effects Of Green Tea?
Where Green Tea has health benefits it also has side effects. Below are some side effects of green tea:
Side Effects Of Green Tea (In Common)
But there’s a downside. Drinking too much of it brings me to my next point: Side effects of green tea. If you drink more than five cups daily, you’re going overboard on caffeine and may experience these green tea effects:
- How much green tea should you take? Just take only 2 cups of green tea A Day! More then 6 cups of green tea can cause:
- Irregular heartbeat
- Sleeplessness
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Loss of appetite
- Green tea seems to reduce the absorption of iron from food.
- It may take anemia worse.
- Caffeine in green tea could affect blood sugar. Hence if you drink green tea and have diabetes, you should monitor your blood sugar carefully.
- Green tea extracts might make liver disease worse.
- Extra green tea will make your bones weak by increasing the amount of calcium flushed out in urine. Caffeine should be limited to less than 300 mg per day(i-e approximately 2-3 cups of green tea).
- Pregnant or breast-feeding women should not drink green tea in large amounts. Caffeine can cross the placenta and affect the fetus and can also be passed along in breast milk.

Side Effects Of Green Tea (in Detail)
Below are side effects of green tea explained in detail.
1. Stomach Problems
Caffeine could be the most common culprit. Though it has a lower amount of caffeine than other types of tea, it still can cause problems. This is because caffeine increases the amount of acid involved in the digestive process. This can cause pain or nausea.
Also, though green tea has been touted to prevent cancer, especially gastric cancer, studies say that there is insufficient information in this regard.
As per a report published by the University of Rochester Medical Center, if you experience stomach pain after drinking green tea, visit your doctor right away.
2. Iron Deficiency And Anemia
As per a Taiwanese study, consuming too much of green tea could lead to iron deficiency anemia.
More importantly, taking green tea after an iron-rich meal can make the main compounds in the tea bind to the iron. If this happens, the green tea will lose its potential as an antioxidant.
EGCG is the main compound in green tea. This compound is known to inhibit an enzyme called myeloperoxidase, which might cause inflammation. But when the tea is consumed along with iron-rich foods, EGCG loses its ability to inhibit the inflammatory action of myeloperoxidase, thereby leading to inflammation. In other words, it’s not just what you eat, but also what you eat it with, which determines the benefits.
Green tea contains tannins that block the absorption of iron from food and food supplements. Certain sources say that adding lemon to green tea or drinking it in between meals can counter this issue. Further research adds that consuming tea can decrease the absorption of iron from plant-based sources (as much as by 64%). For mitigating the effect, one can drink tea at least one hour before or after meals; and also include more foods rich in vitamin C (as vitamin C aids in iron absorption).
Another Taiwanese study has also linked excessive tea consumption (green tea, in particular) to decreased iron absorption and resultant anemia. And according to a report by the PennState University, the polyphenol antioxidants in green tea can inhibit iron absorption. This happens when the polyphenols bind to the iron in the intestinal cells and prevent it from entering the bloodstream. This polyphenol-iron complex is eventually excreted from the body.
3. Headaches
Again, because of the caffeine, green tea might cause mild to severe headaches. And headaches can also be caused by iron deficiency, which, as we have seen already, could occur through an excessive intake of green tea.
Apart from headaches, green tea can also cause dizziness. And as per studies, the maximum tolerated dose of green tea in humans is 9.9 grams per day – which is roughly equivalent to 24 cups of the beverage in a day. One important point to note is that though the green tea extract is listed in over 100 over-the-counter herbal supplements and preparations, its use as a treatment for any ailment is not strictly regulated by the FDA. Also, the safety of the long-term use of green tea extracts is not clearly defined.
Green tea can make one feel jittery and shaky, which may not be the case with decaffeinated green tea products.
4. Might Cause Insomnia
Another possible side effect of green tea is a problem with sleeping (14). This can be averted by limiting green tea consumption, as the fatal dose of the caffeine in green tea is estimated to be 10 – 14 grams in a day.
Taking green tea too late in the day can also cause this effect. One very obvious reason for this is the caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system and can interfere with one’s sleep. More importantly, pregnant and lactating women must limit their green tea intake as it may pass into breast milk and cause insomnia in nursing infants.
A report by the Southern Illinois University states that green tea can cause numerous other sleep disorders as well if taken in excess.
5. Irregular Heartbeat
It’s caffeine, again. Caffeine is known to stimulate the heart as well. It causes your heart rate to speed up, causing irregularly fast heartbeat – a condition called tachycardia. This condition can make you feel as if your heart is pounding in your chest. You are more aware of your heartbeat than usual. Also called palpitations, this condition could even result in chest pain or angina (any other intense localized pain). A change in your normal heart rate could pose a serious threat.
According to another report by the Health University of Utah, intaking of a green tea capsule must be reconsidered in case you are suffering from heart disease or an irregular heartbeat.
6. Vomiting
As per one Indian study, green tea polyphenols can, in fact, cause oxidative stress. And excessive intake of caffeine, including that from green tea, can trigger nausea and vomiting.
Moderate amounts of caffeine are noted to be 300 to 400 mg per day. If the amount exceeds, it can result in certain side effects, including vomiting.
7. Diarrhea
Diarrhea could occur if you are new to green tea. Loose stools could be one of the mild side effects (due to the caffeine content), which can eventually subside as you get used to the beverage.
Diarrhea can also happen with excessive intake of green tea. One way to stop this is to reduce the consumption. Another way is to ensure you don’t drink green tea on an empty stomach. Instead, you can have the tea along with a full meal. This is because having food in your stomach can potentially reduce the ill effects of caffeine, diarrhea included.
You can also try taking green tea later in the day, most preferably in the afternoon. It is less likely to cause the side effect as the digestive effects in the afternoon and beyond is not as pronounced as in the morning.
In the case of severe diarrhea, stop green tea intake and consult your doctor right away. Mild diarrhea might be common. But a severe case is not. Also, ask your health care provider to rule out the possibilities of irritable bowel disease or inflammatory bowel syndrome.
According to the US National Library of Medicine, green tea is one of the many herbs that contain caffeine. And this is the primary reason it can trigger diarrhea.
In addition to diarrhea, green tea can also cause stomach gas (20). Caffeine has also found to stimulate the muscles in the digestive tract. This can cause issues in people with a sensitive colon (21). Which is why, if you have any history of colon problems, you must take expert advice before consuming green tea.
8. Muscle Tremors And Contractions
Excessive caffeine consumption has also been linked to muscle spasms and twitching. And individuals with an abnormal sinus rhythm must limit caffeine intake.
Caffeine has also been linked to restless leg syndrome. If you are an individual with mild to moderate severity of this condition, its better you check your green tea (or caffeine) intake.
One common characteristic of restless leg syndrome is the symptoms occurring when the individual is inactive. This could happen in the night while going to bed, or an aggravated pain in the evening, or twitching of the legs in the nighttime. Caffeine could aggravate any of these symptoms, including muscle spasms.
240 ml of green tea contains about 25 mg of caffeine, and according to one report, this caffeine can also cause tremors.
9. Heartburn
Green tea is acidic, and hence can irritate the esophageal lining, causing acid reflux or heartburn. The condition could get worse if an individual is already suffering from heartburn (or acid reflux). Though normal brewed green tea could not be so potent, the bottled green tea that you so often find in the markets could be the real threat. This is because most of the green teas that come in bottles are fortified with an acidic preservative like ascorbic acid.
This preservative can loosen the lower esophageal sphincter, which otherwise keeps the stomach acid from rising up the esophagus.
Certain bottled green teas come with a citrus flavoring, making them all the more acidic.
And in case you prefer to go for green tea capsules, discuss with your doctor once. Because the green tea extract in the capsules might also trigger heartburn symptoms. Also, only buy high-quality tablets at a proper health food store.
According to a Japanese study, green tea consumption has been linked to GERD, or gastro esophageal reflux disease. The caffeine in green tea was also found to increase stomach acid, which can lead to gastritis.
10. Dizziness
It has been found that long-term caffeine dosages of above 1.5 grams per day can lead to certain non-specific symptoms, a couple of them including vertigo and dizziness.
11. Tinnitus (Ringing In The Ears)
According to the American Tinnitus Association, beverages that contain caffeine are known to aggravate tinnitus. Green tea, being a source of caffeine, can lead to the condition.
12. Convulsions
According to one study, green tea extract was found to significantly accelerate the onset of convulsions in the mice that were tested upon. The tea had always increased the duration of the convulsions.
Also, green tea might keep folic acid from working the way it must. This can lead to a condition quite similar to folic acid deficiency. Excess folic acid has been linked to seizures. Though this might seem that green tea, in a way, might help combat seizures – there is no evidence that it actually does.
Further research also suggests that high doses of green tea can lead to convulsions.
13. Bleeding Disorders
Caffeine in green tea can increase the risk of bleeding. You must stay away from it if you have any bleeding disorder.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, green tea, when mixed with aspirin, might prevent the blood from clotting. Using the two at a time can increase your risk of bleeding.
14. Diabetes
Though there are studies that have highlighted the benefits of green tea for diabetes, there are studies that state otherwise too. A small number of studies using green tea, the extract, and catechins (the main ingredient in green tea) only showed disappointing results in treating Type 2 diabetes. The same results occurred when it came to protecting healthy individuals from the disease.
15. Glaucoma
Black tea contains caffeine. And so does green tea. But when one uses the two together, the risk of caffeine side effects just multiplies. Drinking the tea drastically increases the pressure in the eye. This occurs within 30 minutes of drinking the tea and lasts as long as 90 minutes.
Further research completely discourages women with glaucoma from taking green tea or its extract.
16. High Blood Pressure
The flavonoids in green tea that are touted to be healthy (which they are) are absorbed by the body at a rapid rate. This, along with the caffeine content in the tea, might lead to a sudden (but temporary) rise in blood pressure levels. Numerous studies have found green tea to elevate blood pressure levels. Though the rise in the levels doesn’t raise any health concerns, one thing is clear – green tea may not be the safest or the most dependable way to regulate blood pressure levels.
As per another Chinese study, a higher dose of green tea contains more caffeine, which invariably causes increased blood pressure.
And an Australian study offers a different viewpoint. The study was conducted to test if green tea could reduce the blood pressure effects of caffeine. The findings suggested that the tea ingestion caused higher increases in blood pressure than caffeine alone.
According to another study, green tea might lessen the beneficial effects of nadolol, a medication used to treat high blood pressure. What we understand from the results is that patients on blood pressure medication, especially the ones taking nadolol, must avoid green tea consumption. Green tea was found to interfere with the absorption of the medication (and similar medications, potentially) in the intestine.
Caffeine can cause a short but dramatic increase in your blood pressure levels. Experts believe this happens because caffeine blocks a hormone that otherwise keeps your arteries widened. It is also believed that caffeine provokes your adrenaline glands to produce more adrenaline, thereby raising blood pressure levels.
It also has been found that individuals who consume caffeine regularly have a higher average blood pressure than those who drink none. This effect of caffeine is the strongest amongst overweight men or those over 70 years of age.
One good way to check if the caffeine in your green tea is elevating your blood pressure levels is to measure your blood pressure readings 30 to 120 minutes after you have taken the beverage. If your readings increase by 5 to 10 points, you are sensitive to caffeine. And this means, you need to cut back on green tea and other forms of caffeine. But wait, ensure you cut back on caffeine gradually over a period of a few days, just to avoid withdrawal symptoms such as a headache.
17. Liver Disease
Nowadays, green tea extracts are vigorously marketed as weight loss supplements. Though there is little evidence supporting the efficacy of green tea in this aspect, certain serious side effects, including acute liver failure, are being reported. As per a New York study, green tea extract is one of the many herbal and dietary supplements associated with liver abrasion.
The catechins in green tea deliver huge benefits like lowered cholesterol and reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. But if taken in high doses, especially similar to the dosage in weight loss supplements, these catechins cause liver toxicity.
Green tea supplements contain huge amounts of polyphenols, the most well known of them being EGCG (also called epigallocatechin gallate). As per certain case reports, consumption of 700 to 2,000 mg of EGCG per day led to serious liver issues. Hence, if you are at a risk of developing any type of liver disease, limit your green tea intake. And ditch the supplements totally.
Another New York study has focused on a case of acute liver failure in an individual following the intake of a weight loss product containing green tea extract. In one such weight loss herbal product that was linked to acute liver injury, green tea extract was found to be one of the primary ingredients.
Though there are a few studies that speak about the protective effect green tea can have on the liver, it is but a fact that only large-scale randomized trials can give the properly validated conclusions. The United States National Library of Medicine speaks of certain other weight loss products containing green tea extracts, which were eventually linked to liver issues.
According to another Canadian study, there is an increasing body of literature supporting what could be serious side effects (liver toxicity, in particular) caused by green tea extract supplements.
18. Osteoporosis
Caffeine has been found to inhibit calcium absorption. It can also increase the rate of calcium excretion in the body. This results in a leaching effect on calcium levels in the bones, although only temporarily. But with extended consumption, this could lead to bone diseases like osteoporosis.
As per one study by the University of Connecticut, consumption of green tea extract resulted in lower femur length. It also led to lower volume, mineral content, cortical volume and thickness of the bone. This suggests that consumption of large quantities of green tea can lead to a reduced rate of bone accumulation during the formative years of an individual.
An excessively high dosage of green tea can also become a source of prooxidants, negatively impacting the bone matrix.
19. Skin Allergies
The commonest allergies associated with green tea consumption are eczema and hives. An individual can also experience a tingling sensation on the face, lips, tongue, or in the throat.
Although rare, one severe allergic reaction green tea can cause is an anaphylactic shock. This is when the throat swells, blood pressure levels suddenly drop, hives break out, the abdomen might start to ache, and the individual might experience dizziness and anxiety.
20. Kidney Issues
A review of studies has proven that the very polyphenols that are credited with preventing cancer and heart disease can also cause kidney damage if taken in excessive quantities. As per experts, people consuming green tea supplements must exercise caution, in particular.
21. Issues With The Thyroid Gland
Studies have suggested that the catechins in green tea might affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. As per one study published in 2013, catechins can disrupt thyroid function and block the production of hormones. This can also lead to the enlargement of the thyroid glands. Hence, if you already are on thyroid medication, take your doctor’s advice on green tea intake.
Tea consumption, in general, has also been linked to reduced production of T3 and T4 hormones. This leads to an increased production of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), which can cause thyroid issues.
One Indian study states that thyroid function could be impaired by high doses of green tea extracts. Another Japanese study had established a link between high green tea intake and premenopausal thyroid cancer risk. Though this wasn’t the case with postmenopausal cancer risk, caution is advised.
22. Frequent Urination
The caffeine in green tea also acts as a natural diuretic. As per reports, keeping green tea intake within 5 cups per day (or 200 to 300 mg of caffeine per day) can be one solution.
Green tea is also one of those beverages that can aggravate the bladder. This is especially true if the individual is suffering from a urinary tract infection. In such an eventuality, they must avoid green tea (or any form of caffeine) and drink plenty of water instead.
The caffeine in green tea can also cause bladder spasms leading to bladder control issues. Caffeine can even constrict the smooth muscles of the bladder, making urination difficult. One alternative could be intake of decaffeinated green tea. But hey, consult your doctor first. In fact, frequent urination is one of the symptoms of caffeine sensitivity one must watch out for.
In certain sensitive women, tea might even cause bladder irritation and make them leak urine. In fact, avoiding tea or coffee or any caffeinated beverage (including green tea) is one way to help treat urinary tract infection.
23. Fertility
One study states that consuming green tea too often can lower fertility (53). In the study, embryos and larvae subjected to smaller doses of green tea were slower to develop. They also showed a decline in their ability to produce offspring.
In another study, the test group treated with green tea leaf extract showed a decrease in the serum testosterone levels.
Green tea was also found to impair development and reproduction in fruit flies. And similar results are potentially possible in humans as well.
24. Teeth
One major downside of tea or green tea in this context, with respect to teeth is it contains tannins. And two, it is its acidic nature. These two factors cause the tea to stain your teeth.
Another downside is what we have seen with calcium – caffeine in green tea can slow down the absorption of calcium, weakening teeth or limiting their growth.
Side Effects Of Green Tea In Pregnant Women
That’s about the side effects. But green tea has certain other side effects that could be potentially harmful to pregnant women.
We have already seen some of them in brief. But now we will look at the rest, In detail:
- Since green tea contains caffeine, and since caffeine is a diuretic, it must be limited during pregnancy. The reason being caffeine might affect the amount of water in the body.
- Hydration, as we know, is crucial during pregnancy – and with diuretics like caffeine, there could be a problem. Losing too much of water could lead to an imbalance in the body’s electrolytes.
- According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a woman must not consume more than 200 mg of caffeine a day during pregnancy.
- More importantly, caffeine is one of the many substances your baby cannot metabolize or use.
- Studies have stated that pregnant women who intake green tea increase the risk of birth defects like spina bifida. Also, as we had seen before, green tea could result in a folic acid deficiency. And there is no need to discuss the importance of folic acid for pregnancy. It is but crucial.
- Even though the caffeine content in green tea is 30 to 60 percent less than that in coffee, its consumption is discouraged as it can interfere with numerous metabolic processes during pregnancy.
- According to another Brazilian study, consumption of green tea during pregnancy can result in fetal ductal constriction (pulmonary hypertension of the fetus).
- The University of Maryland Medical Center advises against the intake of green tea by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
- Most studies recommend against the use of green tea during pregnancy. Although certain studies say limited consumption is okay, it is always best to consult your doctor. It could even be an herbal tea marketed specifically for the benefit of pregnant women – always consult your doctor first.
- Excess consumption of caffeine (green tea) during pregnancy can also cause abortion.
Can People On Medication Drink Green Tea?
Green tea is known to interact with certain medications and cause undesirable effects. Following is the list of a few commonly used medications green tea must not be taken with, and the effects one might face if they do.
- Ephedrine – Might cause agitation, insomnia, unhealthy weight loss, and tremors
- Clozapine – The anti-psychotic effects of this medicine might get diluted if taken within 40 minutes of green tea intake
- Lithium – Green tea might reduce the blood levels of this medication, which is used to treat depression
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors – Might result in a drastic increase in blood pressure
- Phenylpropanolamine – This medication, when taken along with caffeine (which green tea has) can lead to mania and a steep increase in blood pressure
- Antibiotics – Might increase the effectiveness of certain antibiotics (like beta-lactam) by reducing bacterial resistance to the treatment
- Green tea must also not be used when taking blood thinners – this includes medications like warfarin. Green tea contains vitamin K, which might render warfarin ineffective.
- Green tea, when combined with chemotherapy drugs, was found to make the cancer cells less sensitive to the treatment.
How Much Of Green Tea Is Considered Safe?
An ideal dose of green tea is 2 to 3 cups per day, which could be equal to 1,200 ml (or 250 mg of catechins). Never take green tea on an empty stomach as it might cause liver toxicity.
If you are suffering from anogenital warts, the dosage would be topical application of the tea thrice a day for a minimum of 6 weeks. If you are suffering from heart disease, the dosage would be 400 to 716 mg of catechins per day. For diabetics, the dosage of EGCG would be 84 to 386 mg per day. And for obese individuals, it is 125 to 625 mg of catechins per day.
But like always, check with your doctor – as he would know your condition best.

What Is The Best Way To Take Green Tea?
Simply follow these points:
- Not more then 2 to 3 cups a day
- Never have it on an empty stomach
- Don’t sip it late in the night
- Don’t reuse the green tea bags
- Don’t take it immediately after meals either
- Since it can act as a diuretic, also drink adequate water
- This also is a way to drink green tea without having to suffer the side effects.
1. Is It Safe To Drink Green Tea On An Empty Stomach?
No. Green tea contains tannins that might increase stomach acid and cause stomach ache, nausea, and even constipation.
2. What Is EGCG In The Green Tea Extract?
EGCG, or epigallocatechin gallate, is a major component in green tea. It is considered the most significant active component in green tea.
And by the way, in certain parts of the world green tea extract is also called green tea complex. More or less both mean the same.
3. Why Does Green Tea Make Me Feel Sick?
It depends on the type of green tea you are consuming. Is the green tea you are consuming organic? If yes, you probably are sensitive to the caffeine in the tea.
Or maybe you are taking it on an empty stomach? Never do that. Try taking the tea as you eat something.
4. Does Green Tea Cause Cancer?
No, it doesn’t cause cancer. But there is no solid evidence that states it can prevent it, either.
But it does boost certain factors that can help combat cancer. So yes, green tea, indirectly, might help combat cancer.
5. Can Green Tea Cause Constipation?
It might. Because it contains caffeine and caffeine is a diuretic. If you don’t drink sufficient water, the fluid can be withdrawn from your stools. This causes hardened stools and constipation.
6. What Is The Arizona Green Tea? Is It Any Better?
This is another type of green tea that comes with sugar. Something like tea-flavored sugar water. About this being any better, well, we have mixed results. Stick to what has been working for you. Or, consult your doctor.
7. What Are The Green Tea Cigarettes? What Are The Effects Of Smoking Them?
It is basically a way that claims to help people quit smoking. Introduced by acupuncturist Ranko Tutulugdzija, they are nothing but green tea leaves rolled into cigarettes without the nicotine (68). The idea is to give the smoker the same sensation as smoking, all the while motivating him to quit the habit.
8. Can I Add Sugar To Green Tea?
Yes. Studies show that adding sugar, along with vitamin C, enhances the body’s ability to absorb the tea’s polyphenols. But if you are diabetic, consult your doctor.
9. Does Taking Too Much Of Green Tea Cause My Stool To Turn Green?
No, unless you are taking bottled green tea that contains certain dyes.
10. When Should I Take Green Tea?
If you are taking green tea for its antioxidants, take it in between meals. But if you are deficient in iron, avoid it.
If it’s for weight loss, you can still take it with meals. But ensure you don’t have a sensitive stomach.
Also, never consume the tea on an empty stomach or very early in the morning. You can also take it before going to bed – but ensure there is at least an hour gap. Taking green tea right before going to bed might wake you up in the dead of the night to visit the washroom.
Hence the conclusion is that use green tea but keep in mind the side effects of over consumption. Only 2 cups of green tea is suggested. Go green, But not greener.