7 Foods You Should Never Reheat And Why?

Never reheat these foods, stop reheating food, foods you should never reheat, microwave, leftovers, never microwave, healthy eating, unhealthy-food, healthy food,

Never Reheat These Foods?

Reheating food is an everyday routine of our life. Weather it is a frozen week plan food or we are reheating the food to eat it second time the day or we want to reheat the leftovers from last night. But there are some foods which can get poisoning on reheat. Hence you should read this before you reheat any food. 

7 Foods That Turn Toxic When Reheated:

1. Mushrooms

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Mushrooms should be consumed immediately after cooked as the protein content present in mushrooms could become toxic on reheating and cause digestive problems. Hence heat them freshly prepared or eat them cold if left over or refrigerated. 

2. Spinach 

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Spinach contains high percentage of nitrates, hence it should be eaten soon after prepared and should not be reheated, because nitrates could be harmful when turned into nitrites.

3. Beets

Never reheat these foods, stop reheating food, foods you should never reheat, microwave, leftovers, never microwave, healthy eating, unhealthy-food, healthy food,
Beet like spinach also contains nitrates, hence it should be eaten soon after prepared and should not be reheated.

4. Celery:

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Celery should be consumed soon after prepared as reheating celery could be harmful for us.

5. Chicken:

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Chicken contains proteins, and is negatively affected when reheated second time because the protein composition changes when heated on high temperature the second time. Hence if you wish to reheat your refrigerated chicken the second time, you should reheat it on very low temperature and make sure it is heated thoroughly all from inside i-e make sure it is completely hot even from inside.

6. Egg:

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Boiled Eggs
Eggs are proteins; weather boiled or fried should be consumed fresh. As reheating them could be toxic for our body and our digestive system.

7. Potatoes

Never reheat these foods, stop reheating food, foods you should never reheat, microwave, leftovers, never microwave, healthy eating, unhealthy-food, healthy food,
Potatoes should be eaten freshly when they are prepared. Don't cook them to eat for the next day or never refrigerate them for a week. Always cook them fresh or eat them cold if refrigerated. Reheating potatoes will not only lose their nutritious value but will also make them poisonous.

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